Welcome to your Kingston Ponies Webpage


Stats & Fun

Click on new to here Ponie Radio


(open do not save: winamp needed *not always on*)

I am conducting an online servey.

If you like the link to my radio server called "Ponie radio" email me about it.

And if you don't, email me about it also. In the title of your email put

"Ponie Radio" and in the body put either, "crank it" or "yank it". Thank you.


Follow the links above to find out about the players and the team. To contact the team or the webpage designer click here.

This sight is currently under construction.

Thank you and come back often. #22

The roster section is not finished for two reasons:

1) Some players have yet to return the form I gave them.

2) Someone stole 3 forms from the locker room, so I will have to

get a few people to redo them. (sorry guys)

I would like to thank Mike Knott for finding my folder.

Good news! Some of the boys finally decided to fill out their forms

so I can actually update the roster section. Perhaps by the end

of the season I just may get this site completed.

The news writer position has been filled FINALLY!

Thank you to whatever fan decided to take over for me.


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